Newsletter No. 35
Good evening,
Welcome to our festive newsletter! I'm afraid other than the fact this email goes out on Christmas eve, there isn't anything Christmassy about it, so I'll try fill it full of exciting info instead.
The last time I typed out a newsletter was following our showroom opening and straight after Warley. Since then things haven't really stopped! We've had Reading, Darstaed catering stock deliveries, showroom finishing touches and for those following our eBay store, a large single owner collection of HO, which has taken almost two months to sort and list!
Alongside putting the finishing touches to 2018 we've also been making plans for next year, a year which will be filled with new releases, announcements and plenty more.
We are hoping to have these in stock by March, just before the first of the 57' Suburbans stock lands.
Rest assured, all those who have already placed pre-orders will receive these for this reduced cost.
We couldn't have hoped for a more successful year, far surpassing my expectations and laying the foundations for, what I hope, will be a prosperous future for the hobby and business alike.
I would like to thank all of you who have contributed either through knowledge, custom or advise up until this point and especially in the past year.
I have been humbled by optimism, kind comments and offers of help and assistance, especially around the time of our showroom opening.
So, I hope you all have a superb Christmas and here's to an even better 2019!
All the best,
Good evening,
Welcome to our festive newsletter! I'm afraid other than the fact this email goes out on Christmas eve, there isn't anything Christmassy about it, so I'll try fill it full of exciting info instead.
The last time I typed out a newsletter was following our showroom opening and straight after Warley. Since then things haven't really stopped! We've had Reading, Darstaed catering stock deliveries, showroom finishing touches and for those following our eBay store, a large single owner collection of HO, which has taken almost two months to sort and list!
Alongside putting the finishing touches to 2018 we've also been making plans for next year, a year which will be filled with new releases, announcements and plenty more.
Darstaed 57' BGs
Some good news for you all! We have decided to now offer the 57' BGs at the new lower price of £169 each!We are hoping to have these in stock by March, just before the first of the 57' Suburbans stock lands.
Rest assured, all those who have already placed pre-orders will receive these for this reduced cost.
HO Collection
For all of those who collect and run Continental HO, you may or may not have noticed the large influx of stock which has gone live on our eBay store. Well, this is due to continue in early January with more locos, wagons and rakes of coaches - certainly worth keeping an eye out and, if you haven't already, why not take a look at what is already up for sale, plenty of rare and limited edition models still up for grabs!Website Stock
Although things will be quieter over Christmas, we still plan to add a large amount of O gauge stock to the website. There'll be British outline, Continental and American locos, wagons and coaches coming up for sale, so be sure to keep a look out!2018
What a superb year it's been - just before entering 2018 we received the Darstaed choc and cream Mk1 coaches, now, nearly at the end of the Mk1 mainline production, we look towards 2019, the Suburban coaches and the announcements which will follow.We couldn't have hoped for a more successful year, far surpassing my expectations and laying the foundations for, what I hope, will be a prosperous future for the hobby and business alike.
I would like to thank all of you who have contributed either through knowledge, custom or advise up until this point and especially in the past year.
I have been humbled by optimism, kind comments and offers of help and assistance, especially around the time of our showroom opening.
So, I hope you all have a superb Christmas and here's to an even better 2019!
All the best,