Newsletter No. 37

Good afternoon.

It's only looking down my list of email newsletters that I noticed it's been almost two months since writing my last!

I'm not quite sure where the time has gone with three exhibitions passing in the mean time.

What have we got in today's issue then? Well, there are the usual updates on pre-owned stock and Darstaed stock, an introduction to another member of the team, some news of the Darstaed suburban coaches, and some ramblings from myself about what I've been up to (I'll put this at the end so you can stop reading this before).

Pre-owned Stock
The past month has seen some superb new pre-owned stock come into the office and showroom. If you're a regular visitor to the website you will have seen a large influx of LMS kit built locomotives and coaches, RTR brass and more recently some Gauge 1.

On our eBay site we've added more Continental and American HO gauge items with plenty more British OO scheduled to be uploaded next week

Meet Amey
Our latest recruit for Ellis Clark Trains is one many of you may know from our exhibitions we attend.

It is of course Amey! Who incidentally is my girlfriend and can be found on the other end of the phone when you call the office number.

Amey deals with the eBay side of the business, alongside being the front of house, accompanied by her bodyguard, Albert (who if you read our last newsletter is our puppy). Amey has a background in event management and company incentives to exotic locations, she's trying to persuade me to take all at ETC to the Bahamas - apparently a day trip to the NRM just doesn't cut it!

Darstaed Blood & Custard Re-runs
Good news for all those that have been eagerly awaiting the re-run of blood and custard SKs, BSKs and CKs. These are now in stock, and feature the newly tooled bogies and scale wheels which will feature on the Suburban coaches due in the coming months.
Click here to view the new Darstaed Blood & Custard Mk1s
Darstaed Mk1 Suburbans
Firstly, thank you to all with pre-orders who have been so patient in waiting on the eagerly awaited release of the Darstaed Mk1 suburbans. You'll be happy to know that the delay is purely down to improving the finished article, and with that in mind we have some great news!

Below are two updated renderings for the coaches. The first image shows the coaches as they come out of the box, now with door stoppers in painted brass. The second shows the coach with super detailed plastic hinges, with a close up of both versions below these. These are a new addition to the coaches that will be supplied with every model in the form of a "detailing pack' giving you the option of whether or not to fit them.

These hinges simply slot into place over the existing etched hinges and can be secured in place with a very small amount of suitable glue.
"Do you model yourself?" - A question I'm most familiar with, and I'm not on a about posing in designer clothing! My response to this question over the years has been "I just never get the time, so I only collect", which I always thought a shame, as running this as a business has always demanded so much time and late night work!

Well, I've finally decided to put some time to one side for myself and I have finally begun making the kit which has stood on my bookshelf for over two years, a Connoisseur Models LNER Lowmac - an excellent starting kit with beautiful etch brass and die-cast metal detailing.

I've already made some clumsy errors including 327 glass fibre bristles embedded into my fingers, a melted line on my cutting mat in the shape of a soldering iron, and a full pot of Andy Duncans flux has been knocked over leaving many of my etchings swimming in it... other than that, it's looking great and taking shape!

Well that's all from me for now, as always if anyone has anything they'd like me to add in future newsletters then do let me know.

One more thing, we always endeavour to provide the best possible service to all our customers and appreciate all feedback we receive. With this in mind, we'd appreciate any Google or Facebook reviews and ratings you might wish to give us, it really helps and means a great deal to myself personally.

Until the next time,
All the best,
