
NEW Peco 7mm Finescale O Gauge SL-702FB Box of 12 Yard Length Flexitrack, Flat Bottom Concrete Sleeper

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This is a brand new box of 12 lengths of Flexitrack, fitted with Code 143 flat bottom rail and concrete sleepers

Our reference: SL-702FBx12

This new track complements the existing SL-700FB flexible track with wooden sleepers (ties) and the right and left hand Code 143 turnouts SL-E791FB and SL-792FB, sold separately.

Each length of track is 3 feet (914mm) in length and features nickel silver rail.

Code 143 track components are connected together using the SL-710FB metal rail joiners (and the SL-711FB insulated joiners for the Electrofrog turnouts).


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